You have a singly-linked list and want to check if it contains a cycle.
A singly-linked list is built with nodes, where each node has:
For example:
class LinkedListNode(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value = None
A cycle occurs when a node’s next points back to a previous node in the list. The linked list is no longer linear with a beginning and end—instead, it cycles through a loop of nodes.
Write a function contains_cycle() that takes the first node in a singly-linked list and returns a boolean indicating whether the list contains a cycle.
We keep two pointers to nodes (we'll call these “runners”), both starting at the first node. Every time slow_runner moves one node ahead, fast_runner moves two nodes ahead.
If the linked list has a cycle, fast_runner will "lap" (catch up with) slow_runner, and they will momentarily equal each other.
If the list does not have a cycle, fast_runner will reach the end.
def contains_cycle(first_node):
# Start both runners at the beginning
slow_runner = first_node
fast_runner = first_node
# Until we hit the end of the list
while fast_runner is not None and is not None:
slow_runner =
fast_runner =
# Case: fast_runner is about to "lap" slow_runner
if fast_runner is slow_runner:
return True
# Case: fast_runner hit the end of the list
return False
time and space.
The runtime analysis is a little tricky. The worst case is when we do have a cycle, so we don't return until fast_runner equals slow_runner. But how long will that take?
First, we notice that when both runners are circling around the cycle fast_runner can never skip over slow_runner. Why is this true?
Suppose fast_runner had just skipped over slow_runner. fast_runner would only be 1 node ahead of slow_runner, since their speeds differ by only 1. So we would have something like this:
[ ] -> [s] -> [f]
What would the step right before this "skipping step" look like? fast_runner would be 2 nodes back, and slow_runner would be 1 node back. But wait, that means they would be at the same node! So fast_runner didn't skip over slow_runner! (This is a proof by contradiction.)
Since fast_runner can't skip over slow_runner, at most slow_runner will run around the cycle once and fast_runner will run around twice. This gives us a runtime of .
For space, we store two variables no matter how long the linked list is, which gives us a space cost of .
Some people have trouble coming up with the "two runners" approach. That's expected—it's somewhat of a blind insight. Even great candidates might need a few hints to get all the way there. And that's fine.
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